Tuesday 1 November 2011

Readings, material and literature

Ina Bertrand, Peter Huges, Media Research Methods. Audiences, Institutions, Texts. Palgave. Macmillian 2005. Part I Research on Audiences (35-106)

Keith Goffin, Rick Mitchell, Innovation Management. Staregy and Implementation Using the Penthalon Framework. Palgave, Macmillian 2005. Chapter 5 (144-185)


Ettlie John E., Managing Innovation. New Technology, New Products and New Services in a Global Economy. Rochester Institute of Technology 2006 (second edition). Chapters 2: Thories of Innovation, 8: Public Policy, 9: Globalizing Change


Saara Taalas, Alf Rehn, Tekijänoikeus ja jälkiteollisen talouden omistamisen murros. Teoksessa Tuomas Mylly, Juha Lavapuro, Marko Karo (toim.), Tekemisen vapaus. Luovuuden ehdot ja tekijänoikeus. Gaudeamus 2007 (svut 59-79)

Sam Inkinen, Homo Creativus. Havaintoja  eräistä aikalaiskäsitteistä sekä luovuuden mysteereistä. Teoksessa: Inkinen, Karkulehto, Mäenpää, Timonen (toim.) Minne matka luova talous, 2006. Kustannus Oy Rajalla (sivut 15-51)

Sanna Karkulehto, Ann-Mari Virta, Johtamisesta mahdollistamiseen. Teoksessa: Inkinen, Karkulehto, Mäenpää, Timonen (toim.) Minne matka luova talous, 2006. Kustannus Oy Rajalla (sivut 131-164)

Marjo Mäenpää, Luovan luokan koulutus.  Teoksessa: Inkinen, Karkulehto, Mäenpää, Timonen (toim.) Minne matka luova talous, 2006. Kustannus Oy Rajalla (sivut 185-194)

See also:
Leadbeater, Charles (2009 updated edition), We Think. Mass Innovation not mass production. Profile Books. (First print 2008)

Lessig, Lawrence (2005) Free Culture. The Nature and Future of Creativity. Benguin Books.

Lessig, Lawrence (2008) Remix : making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy. London : Bloomsbury Academic. Borrowed from: http://openlibrary.org  

Lietsala, Kari; Sirkkunen Esa (2008) Social Media. Introduction to the Tools and Processes of Participatory Economy. University of Tampere, Hypermedia Laboratory. Net Series 17. Tampere http://tampub.uta.fi/sarja.php?Sarja_Id=6

Keen Andrew (2006) The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture. Currency

Kulttuuriosaaminen. Tietotalouden taitolaji (2009) toim. Liisa Uusitalo, Maria Joutsenvirta. Gaudeamus

Surowiecki James (2004) The Wisdom Of Crowds. Random House, Inc

Tapscott, Williams (2006) Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. see also: http://www.wikinomics.com/blog/

Introduction 2.11.2011  pdf-document 

Preliminary course program

CBM Creative Producer 6 cr

Assessment criteria: passed/failed
fro MA-students of CBM, Visuaalisen kulttuurin maisteriohjelma

Students will learn how to plan, produce and manage artistic and design productions.
The project plan studio is space (and time) for student’s own work with their project plans. After every studio session each team will preset their plans and ideas done.

Assessment criteria: Lectures, tasks in groups, discussions, demos by students. During the course students are asked to make a detailed project plan – for CBM students most likely linked with the Creative Productions –course projects. Students will be assigned reading material from a list of literature provided by the teacher. Pass/ fall 80 % presence and active participation to the group assignments. Essay could also be a project plan or a learning diary (i.e. notes from lectures reflected through some project, weather on going, own or done project).
Language: suomi, English

Preliminary program

2.11.  Wednesday, Pori Ateljee 10.30-15 / NOTE the time
Marjo Mäenpää: Introduction to Creative productions and management - Intoroduction PDF-document
Defining the course work and creative productions

16.11. Wednesday, Pori Ateljee 10-15 /
Leena Mäenpää-Bentley, lineproducer, Dionysos Films Oy  – The lifespan of TV-production - How to manage a creative hassle
Project Plan Studio

30.11. Marjo Mäenpää
Scenario Based Design - Lecture as a pdf-document
Project Plan Studio
January 18th 2012: Wednesday, Pori Ateljee 10-15
Tarmo Toikkanen, Agile Project Management http://tarmo.fi/blog/
Producing for the people / Managing accessible projects
Project Plan Studio

February 1st 2012: Wednesday, Pori Ateljee 10-15
Immaterial productions and rights
Managing artistic immaterial copyrights in digital publishing
Project Plan Studio

February 15th 2012: Wednesday, Pori Ateljee 10-15
Project plan presentations – evaluation and future plans